
An-Chi Hung
Taipei City /Taiwan (R.O.C.)
10/2014- Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Diplomstudium Freie Kunst, bei Prof. Gregor Schneider
09/2008-07/2012 Bachelor of Arts in Traditional Crafts and Creative Design, in Taiwan
Work Experiences:
02/2010-02/2011 Research Assistant, Traditional Crafts & Creative Design Dept., NUK
- Compiled research chronicles, titled “Life History of Women in Military Dependents’ Villages”
06/2016 Bronze Prize, Breath-The Gasping Desire, The Paris Photography Prize
05/2012 2nd and 3nd Place Award, Film Critic Writing Competition,
General Education Center, Bureau of Cultural Affairs of Kaohsiung City
04/2011 Nominated Award, Crystallographic Plane Packaging Paper Design,
Yixing Design Company
08/2009 Product Image Design Excellence Award,
Women Entrepreneur Association of Kaohsiung
6/2015-20 Kunstakademie Rundgang, Düsseldorf
- Red Code
6/2014 Begin Again Exhibition, Re-Open Edu.
- I suppose
6/2012 Youth Art Exhibition, Kaohsiung Cultural Center
- Assorted Works
6/2012 Shishinan Military Community Exhibition, Taipei
- Theme—A Nostalgic Reflection