Part 1: Perceived Recollection
In 1949, a large number of Nationalist troops (Kuomintang) fled from mainland China to Taiwan and picked up the pieces of their lives on the island. These refugees formed a unique military community culture which is transient, waiting for the opportunity to honorably return to their homeland in China which never materialized. However, in 1990, the government in Taiwan pushed for gentrification to renew many old cities which caused a loss of the unique military community cultural heritage. Houses and villages were destroyed and invaluable memories are forever gone.
1949年,中國大陸有百萬軍眷人員因國民黨政府的敗退被迫遷台,這些語言、飲食、生活習慣殊異的移民者在政府協助下,自成聚落,獨立而居,形成特殊的「眷村文化」。 1990年後,隨著都市更新,眷村聚落逐步消失。
1949年,中國大陸有百萬軍眷人員因國民黨政府的敗退被迫遷台,這些語言、飲食、生活習慣殊異的移民者在政府協助下,自成聚落,獨立而居,形成特殊的「眷村文化」。 1990年後,隨著都市更新,眷村聚落逐步消失。